Our favorite skincare tips

Don’t scrub acne

If you have acne, don’t scrub your skin because it will only irritate it further. You can’t scrub acne off. Instead, use a cleanser that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid and wash GENTLY. After, use a moisturizer geared for acne-prone skin. Don’t use thick anti-aging moisturizers- they probably are loaded with oils and will only make your acne worse!

Tea Tree Oil for acne

Tea tree oil can help heal acne, but straight tea tree oil will make the acne more inflamed. Use a few drops of your favorite tea tree oil in your moisturizer as a part of your skincare routine. Tea tree oil has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties so it can definitely be helpful with acne. Fun fact: straight tea tree oil may work on treating warts, but do further research before trying.

Fear of eczema ointments

People with eczema are often scared of putting products on their eczema. Some products may sting, but that is not a bad thing. Stinging is caused by the skin barrier becoming “open to the world”. Even a moisturizer can sting! Although, it’s important to keep moisturizing despite the stinging because, with time, the products will not sting anymore. People with eczema should moisturize every day. You may need to use an anti-inflammatory like hydrocortisone, oatmeal, or aloe in addition to the moisturizer for a few days. This will help “seal up” the barrier and stop stinging sooner. Even though stinging might not always be bad, make sure to contact a doctor if you are experiencing excessive stinging or discomfort.

Eczema + diet

Eat fish, fruit, and vegetables to help heal your eczema. Avoiding processed foods will also help with the healing process. Consider avoiding dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, shellfish if possible because they are the most common eczema triggers.

To Bathe or Not to Bathe?

How often should you take a bath or shower if you have eczema? We say daily! But, make it short and sweet, don’t scrub the inflamed area, and moisturize with a clean, paraben-free moisturizer as soon as you get out. We love to use CeraVe Baby Lotion or the Honest Soothing Therapy Eczema Cream for this mousturizer. CeraVe Baby Lotion

Brown spots + diet

Anything orange! Carrots, pumpkin, squash, and sweet potatoes are some orange foods that will help. Eating greens like spinach, collard greens, and kale will help as well. These foods are loaded with carotenoids. Cooking these foods is usually best and will help the carotenoids with the reduction and prevention of brown spots.

What tips do you need?